Thursday, March 7, 2013

Unexpected challenges

Wasn't expecting this.

My gut never felt right yesterday, maybe I have a 6th sense after all....didn't allow myself to sleep too much and this morning when our neurosurgeon called to talk to me I knew... we needed to hit the reset button and go back in.

Shock is what I think Dana and I both were in and I'm ok with that because shock handles your emotions and emotions can handle you.

I feel like a gold medalist sprinter that gets told they stepped outside the lane the day after the awards ceremony - the perfect definition for getting punched in the gut.

We just got an update from the OR, and they are an hour in and they say things are going as planned.

Our character is being tested as we go through these obstacles. We aren't accepting anything else other than her healing 100%. Our character is built from our love for one another - it's everlasting and impenetrable to these obstacles. It's ok we'll get through this day.

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