Saturday, March 9, 2013

Looking up

Last night Dana had a good night of sleep. It could have been better but she got enough to say we are going in the right direction. It's hard sleeping when your not tired and when she does get up and walks around for a few minutes she quickly gets tired and is ready for sleep again.

This morning at 430 am Dr Deshmukh came by our room to see how we were doing. I asked him why he was there so early this morning and he replied, "had an emergency craniotomy". How did it go, everyone ok I asked? "Yup there all good". It's a bit sobering learning how often he goes inside someone's head to fix things....just unreal.

He reviewed her progress made since yesterday as we did some occupational/physical therapy tests and passed all those just fine. The stitches look great and are holding the he said that she was ok to take a shower and wash her hair - so very happy she was. We went over the game plan again as far as the healing process and he again said how important sleep, healing and laying low were. As long as we have a good day and no set backs occur today he hopes we will get to go home tomorrow. We're in no rush so if it happens great, if not that's ok.

It's hard realizing this woman just had two brain surgeries b/c she does look great once you see her.... but again the energy quickly gets sucked out of her but sleep charges up the batteries.

I plan on going over in greater detail what exactly happened and inform you all how complex this cavernoma was soon in a posting. It's a complete surprise how large and advanced it was but luckily Dr Deshmukh figured it out and removed all of it. There is nothing left to bleed in there b/c it doesn't exist anymore.

Our window of having issues is around three weeks. During this time, its critical that she continues to let everything heal nice and easy. He put her head back together again successfully, now we are waiting on the body healing over everything we poked and prodded.

We're not out of the woods yet but we are getting closer.

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