Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Good Things

After receiving the green light for Dana to sleep in bed now we didn't know if she was going to have any spinal fluid issues moving forward or not.  After two evenings of sleeping in bed, reasonably flat with a pillow I am please to say she hasn't had any spinal fluid leakage.

Whenever you hear the word "Leakage" it is just a bad thing right?!?!

Luckily for us, her spinal fluid seems to have stopped which means the scar tissue in the brain is doing what it is supposed to do.

Outside of that the week has been going great.  Dana has enjoyed the company of her Sis, my Mom and a couple of terrific friends --- the Amanda's (Conley & Downs) - ((The Amanda's are awesome and I love them b/c they mean so much to Dana and as a plus their husbands are a lot of fun to hang out with)).

Here is a pic from this past week.  Dana has been taking some water color painting lessons with Mom and as you can tell from some of the artwork she has put together her creative side looks to be just fine.

Lastly, tomorrow or Friday we should get a call from our Dr's looking for an update on Mrs Degan.  They will of course be looking to learn how laying flat has been and start looking to next Thursday when we hit week 4 and some restrictions get to be lifted.  I am very excited to see some of these restrictions get lifted HOWEVER I'm not excited about making sure Dana isn't overdoing anything.

Of the many things I've learned through all of Dana's recover process is how fun it will be dealing with our children.....They will be persistent, insanely energetic, bullheaded, frizzy haired and more so than anything else SASSY.

I can't wait.

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