Friday, March 15, 2013


Little update for you all.

Dana has been doing great and our little spinal fluid leak has toned down a bit after our Dr told us that she had to sleep between a 45-90 degree angle.

That sucks, plain and simple.

On the flip side of things the Dr orders did give me an excuse to buy a new recliner for the man cave.....

Unfortunately for me Dr's orders says she has to sleep at least 45 degrees for another 7 days.

Spirits are running high and having her mom around this week has been great. Because Rita has been helping out I've been able to catch up on work. Working from home is a bit hard to adjust to at first; however after the second/third day things came together.

Rita is flying home Sunday however the next battalion of troops are inbound from afar. My dad is coming in from Alaska and a couple of Dana's sweet friends are coming from Wisconsin. More help is a great thing and although each day is getting better for Dana I feel it may be getting harder on her personally.

Its hard for her to accept she needs to rest, cant do certain things, etc all day long even though she feels just fine. Although if she were to do those things she would quickly know that it was a bad idea. Slow and steady wins every time when it comes to the brain healing. Dr Deshmukh told her that if she does this first 4 weeks the right way she'll feel great and be on track for doing a lot of normal things in week 6. If she doesn't....6 weeks could be 8.... And that would really not be fun.

As you all can see she is doing great, can't even tell she had 2 brain surgeries!

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