Friday, March 22, 2013

Board Games, Audio Books & Gossip

Board Games, Audio Books & Gossip are the three things Dana loves most these days.  Mainly b/c those are the only things she's allowed to do outside of sleeping in a recliner and taking a stone throw's walk (it's too cold).

We started a game of Monopoly but I think we may have played a bit too much last night b/c her eye's were hurting  a little so I think we overdid it.  Outside of that, she has been doing great and things seem to be on the up and up.

Her girlfriends from WI went back home Wednesday.  We both wished they would have stayed longer as they really spent the majority of their time with gossip, board games and laughter.  Really helped her out I think, unfortunately time flew by way too quickly.

We are hoping that we'll be able to transition her back to a bed sooner than later.  The recliner is great and all but it just doesn't compare to a comfy bed.

Our next appointment won't be until April 11th.  Hopefully they'll give us some great news like she can get back to normalcy.

Time will tell, but if I were a betting man I'd put all my chips on Dana continuing to kick ass.

PS --- Thank you all for sending awesome gifts, treats and cards in the mail.  Like I said, it's her favorite part of the day and really cheers her up when she gets to open up something --- it's like Christmas every day.  The following picture is of her when I told her we couldn't hammer the entire cookie tin that the Thullin's sent her.  She's just so sad b/c they are SO FLIPPING GOOD.

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