Of the items that he went over he said he didn't want any use on the computer, TV or checking Facebook/email/text on her phone.
That being said, if anyone would like to send pic's, etc chances are she isn't going to be able to check it until several weeks from now. At the same time if you want to call her then call her phone and she can talk all day long; or at least until she wants a nap.
Soooo, we are putting away the computer and turning off the Facebook on her phone until we can get back into the swing of things (hopefully a couple weeks and not a month).
We know all of you want to reach out and keep in touch so that is where I can come in and help out! Any messages, notes, etc you want to send her way then please send to me and I will let her know right away. If you don't have my phone or email address here is my email = markdegan @ yahoo . com. Email me then I'll send you my phone number if you'd rather do that instead.
Yes, this sucks BUT it's temporary........and if you didn't know already Dana's favorite part of the day besides breakfast, lunch and dinner is checking the mailbox so a letter would be great too.
Thx for understanding and don't be offended if you send something her way (facebook, text, email, etc) and don't hear anything....she can't check it anymore.
Gosh, Mark and Dana (who is absolutely not reading this), we are so sorry that you are having that leak. I will alert the prayer team about that right now. Sorry I didn't check this sooner. I was so encouraged by Dana's progress that I thought she had smooth, device-free, sailing ahead. Do you think Dana would be able to listen to audio books? We thought we could find her some of those. Something really boring that won't stimulate her imagination - like the dictionary!