Friday, April 12, 2013

Thank you...

I wanted to thank youall for your help.  I've never been a fan of blogs, but I can understandnow how well they fit in certain applications in life.  It's a littlebittersweet writing this last post b/c writing this blog helped me more than you'llever know.  

Thanks to our family andfriends as well, there are so many letters, emails, phone calls, food, visits it'simpossible to list them all but you know who you are and you made a differencefor us.  Thank you.

What did I learn overthe past months?
  • Family is priceless, by far the most valuable asset anyone could ever have, and it shames any material asset in the universe.
  • I now understand and can appreciate insurance co-pays and fee's.  A lot better than the alternative.
  • You have to allow your friends to help you.  I'm not someone who likes taking or accepting help but if there was ever a time we needed it, this was it.
  • Sleeping on a hospital floor or recliner is an awful idea and it's only a matter of time before the caretaker is worthless.  For me, it was 4 nights.
  • Our medical field these days is absolutely amazing.  It's insane what their knowledge and capabilities are.
  • Dogs are great, especially ours - Lana.  She knew what was going on.....and I'm convinced dogs have a 6th sense.  
  • Life can be cruel at times.  There isn't any way around that aspect of it, however the combination of family, friends, faith and science worked for me.  
  • Understanding what your up against helped tremendously, learn as much as you possibly can.
  • Do not run away from your battle.  Run towards it --- It's not going anywhere.  Take a deep breath and Tighten Up.

PS ---  Dana, Iwanted to tell you, "Thank you".  Thank you for being strongerthan I could ever be.  You kept my head up when I needed it most.  Ihaven't a clue what my body was running on during the initial stagesof all this...probably a mix between adrenaline, inspiration and love. 

Regardless, you areincredible.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for deciding to share your journey with your incredible wife. In July 2012, I was diagnosed with an AVM in my left frontal lobe. I have only had microbleeds and do not have insurance so have only been monitored by a neurologist. The past eight months symptoms have worsened. My husband and I sought an opinion from his gp and referred us to neurosurgeon. God blessyou for supporting each other :)
